Chronic paraproctitis,
rectal fistulas
In the absence of treatment, acute paraproctitis turns into a chronic form - fistula of the rectum, one of the symptoms of which is the formation of a fistula. Passing through the pararectal area, the fistula opens on the surface of the buttock, perineum, or perianal area. Bursting during acute paraproctitis, the abscess provokes the formation of a fistula, which further leads to infection from the lumen of the anal canal.
The disease proceeds along a sinusoid: exacerbation is interspersed with relief of symptoms.
How is chronic paraproctitis manifested?
discharge of purulent masses and pus from the fistula opening,
the skin itches, itches,
pain in the affected area,
swelling of soft tissues,
functions of urination and defecation are disturbed,
inflammatory processes are manifested by general malaise, fatigue and headache,
discomfort is caused by gas and stool incontinence,
sleep disturbance,
nervousness, which is reflected in a person's productivity and his intimate life.
If treatment is not started on time, the following complications are possible:
Pectenosis– a phenomenon when muscle or submucous tissue is replaced by scar tissue. As a result, deformation of the anus and weakening of the ability of the sphincter to retain fecal masses is observed.
Amyloidosis- accumulation of amyloid substance on the walls of the large intestine.
The problem can be solved with the help of surgical intervention, but the treatment scheme is chosen individually, taking into account the complexity of the situation and the presence of accompanying factors.